On-site academies
Discover our upcoming session with the best teachers

모든것이 포함 된 아카데미

Gaspard THOMAS
CNSMD, Académie Jaroussky, Paris
I had a great week of academia in an exceptional and inspiring work environment. Very flexible work possibilities. Very rich musical and artistic content. Meals of very high quality, maybe a slight regret on the quantity, we would like more!

Conservatoire Royal, Bruxelles
Very well organized and very rewarding! A high level academy.

Gaspard THOMAS
CNSMD, Académie Jaroussky, Paris
J'ai passé une excellente semaine d'académie dans un cadre de travail exceptionnel et inspirant. Possibilités de travail très souples. Contenus musicaux et artistiques très riches. Repas de très grande qualité, peut être un léger regret sur la quantité, on en voudrait plus !

Conservatoire Royal, Bruxelles
Très bien organisé et très enrichissant ! Une académie de haut niveau.

녹화된 마스터 클래스

Educational costs
The teachers of our masterclasses are all internationally renowned musicians, first prize winners, judges of major musical competitions and recognized professors. Each of them has a pedagogical experience, which is intended to transmit to the academicians their knowledge, acquired over the years.
Learn more about our academy teachers.
Yes, you must apply when you fill out the application form. If your application is accepted, you will be eligible to receive a scholarship of at least €100.
Learn more about scholarship.
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